Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Product Baru : Short Brassiere baru launched on 16th July


Apa fungsi Short Bra?Kalo sesiapa yang pernah pakai Long Bra confirm tahu apa fungsi Short Bra :)

Fungsi Short Bra nie exactly sama dengan fungsi Long Bra, bezanya, it's more suitable for daily use and it doesn't cover up till your tummy. It's just like any normal bra but with FIR in it :) It is suitable for those who have not tried PB full set and wants to have a feel on how the bra is like,  and also bagi sesiapa yang nak cuti pakai 1 full set PB. Ye la kan..PB set tu kena la direndam dan dibasuh juga kan? Sementara tunggu full set kering, kita pakai short bra dulu.

Short Bra juga sangat-sangat sesuai untuk pregnant ladies yang nak support her breast from sagging sebab membesar kan? Thus your breast need support! Rather than you all wear nursing bra yg sungguh la plain dan tak menarik perhatian, pakai short bra ni is a much better choice :)

Short bra juga sesuai for those yang dah stop breastfeeding. As we grow older, our breast too tend to sag according to our age..thus again, as you can see from the picture bra ni lebar, covers your cup fully which indirectly helps your breast to reshaped.

And on top of that, dengan pemakaian Short Bra nie, breast you all confirm boleh bernafas, kerana bentuk pyramid nyer...:) So, takder la nipple you all berasa lemas, and takder la area tue bewarna gelap kan? Nanti akan jadik pinkish gitu...:) 


As usual, give me your measurements for your upper and lower bust in CM and email me ya?



Jom beli! Tade alasan untuk malas kali ni..

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